PROJECTS&COLLABS: ❶ AUC ❷ Archivo Platform ❸ Flanzine ❹ 9:11am Project ❺ Post-Screen Festival ❻ Aura Festival ❼ Centro Cultural do Carro | Galeria de Arte Ambulante ❽ Etcetera.
While developing my AiR in Cairo, within the scope of Halaqat (see more here) I had the privilege of working with Prof. Wael Mamdouh, Professor of Chemistry and Nanotechnology at The American University in Cairo (AUC) - Department of Chemistry - School of Sciences and Engineering and Noha El Salakawy, MSc Biotechnology-AUC.
The research dealt with the medium where the ferrofluid travels in, and several tests of potential chemical solutions were developed.
The research dealt with the medium where the ferrofluid travels in, and several tests of potential chemical solutions were developed.

ARCHIVO is an independent research platform dedicated to photography and visual culture through research, editorial and curatorial activities. Perceiving history as a resource for alternative narratives, ARCHIVO PLATFORM engages in an in-depth understanding of photographic practice as well as its impact in knowledge production.
- 10 Years 2012-2022 Commemorative Edition (video and e-book);
- Research Network member in 2021;
- Archivo Papers Journal, 1:2 (here);
- ARCHIVO: New Media, Nº 19 (here);
- ARCHIVO: Vernacular, Nº 17 (here);
- Failure is a Given at Archivo Studio, Oporto, PT (2017).
Read more here.
ARCHIVO is an independent research platform dedicated to photography and visual culture through research, editorial and curatorial activities. Perceiving history as a resource for alternative narratives, ARCHIVO PLATFORM engages in an in-depth understanding of photographic practice as well as its impact in knowledge production.
- 10 Years 2012-2022 Commemorative Edition (video and e-book);
- Research Network member in 2021;
- Archivo Papers Journal, 1:2 (here);
- ARCHIVO: New Media, Nº 19 (here);
- ARCHIVO: Vernacular, Nº 17 (here);
- Failure is a Given at Archivo Studio, Oporto, PT (2017).
Read more here.

When the FLANZINE project began in May 2013, it had every chance of going wrong, but, contrary to the laws of Murphy and Keynes, the magazine eventually materialized.
A magazine inspired by the old fanzines, created on Facebook by two virtual friends, João Pedro Azul and Luís Olival, united in the hangover of a generation that resists, surviving through black humour. With some nerve, they infected a group of authors and artists in different fields and languages that started joining the FLANmily.
- Flanzine #19 Obscenum (March 2019).
- Flanzine #16 Pele (December 2017).
- Flanzine #4 Carrossel (June 2014).
- Flanzine #3 Boca (March 2014).
Read more here.
When the FLANZINE project began in May 2013, it had every chance of going wrong, but, contrary to the laws of Murphy and Keynes, the magazine eventually materialized.
A magazine inspired by the old fanzines, created on Facebook by two virtual friends, João Pedro Azul and Luís Olival, united in the hangover of a generation that resists, surviving through black humour. With some nerve, they infected a group of authors and artists in different fields and languages that started joining the FLANmily.
- Flanzine #19 Obscenum (March 2019).
- Flanzine #16 Pele (December 2017).
- Flanzine #4 Carrossel (June 2014).
- Flanzine #3 Boca (March 2014).
Read more here.
04 | 9:11AM PROJECT
9:11am, developed with Filipe Matos has as a point of departure a video, allegedly produced by an American couple Bob & Bri, entitled “What we saw”. It was reportedly captured during the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on 9/11/01. Each page of the 9:11am book corresponds to one second of the collapse of one of the towers, the entirety of its pages are covered with thermochromic ink. Resembling Kubrick's impenetrable monolith, the book's contents can only be seen by revealing the printed images through the use of a heat source.
Read more here.
9:11am, developed with Filipe Matos has as a point of departure a video, allegedly produced by an American couple Bob & Bri, entitled “What we saw”. It was reportedly captured during the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on 9/11/01. Each page of the 9:11am book corresponds to one second of the collapse of one of the towers, the entirety of its pages are covered with thermochromic ink. Resembling Kubrick's impenetrable monolith, the book's contents can only be seen by revealing the printed images through the use of a heat source.
Read more here.

The Post-Screen: International Festival of Art, New Media and Cybercultures was an event part of the POST-SCREEN research project (2013/17), designed and developed within the Cyberart section of the Artistic Studies Research Center (CIEBA) based at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon (FBAUL).
This research project was developed by Ana Teresa Vicente and Helena Ferreira, with editions in 2014 and 2016. The prefix post- intends to propose an ontological reflection about the screen in order to question and provide for multiple perspectives regarding the way our visual culture is affected by the use of screens in our everyday lives, both in domestic or public spaces, and the way the use of new technologies are set as a powerful tool for artistic practices. Hosted by CIEBA-FBAUL, in association with the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED) of the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), and Fundação Millenium bcp. More info here.
The Post-Screen: International Festival of Art, New Media and Cybercultures was an event part of the POST-SCREEN research project (2013/17), designed and developed within the Cyberart section of the Artistic Studies Research Center (CIEBA) based at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon (FBAUL).
This research project was developed by Ana Teresa Vicente and Helena Ferreira, with editions in 2014 and 2016. The prefix post- intends to propose an ontological reflection about the screen in order to question and provide for multiple perspectives regarding the way our visual culture is affected by the use of screens in our everyday lives, both in domestic or public spaces, and the way the use of new technologies are set as a powerful tool for artistic practices. Hosted by CIEBA-FBAUL, in association with the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED) of the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), and Fundação Millenium bcp. More info here.

Prepared the curatorial project for AURA2020 (Sintra, PT), with the support of DGArtes (cancelled due to Covid19) and produced by Criaatividade Cósmica Association.
Participated on the book AURA - Luz de Presença with an interview with the artist Anna Dumitriu, available at the Cósmica Association website.
Prepared the curatorial project for AURA2020 (Sintra, PT), with the support of DGArtes (cancelled due to Covid19) and produced by Criaatividade Cósmica Association.
Participated on the book AURA - Luz de Presença with an interview with the artist Anna Dumitriu, available at the Cósmica Association website.

Centro Cultural do Carro (Galeria de Arte Ambulante), de Tiago Gandra & Daniel Vasconcelos Melim, no Festival Paragem - Práticas Artísticas Contemporâneas em Época Balnear 2021, no Anfiteatro da Nossa Senhora da Encarnação (Praia do Carvoeiro, PT). Obras dos artistas convidados: Andrea Brandão, Ana Teresa Vicente, Tiago Fróis, Hugo Canoilas, João Ferro Martins, Sara & André, Isabel Simões, Ana Rita António, Francisco Vidal, João Bento, Joana Escoval, Tiago Baptista, Fernando Ribeiro, Patrícia Almeida.
Apoio à dramaturgia: Andresa Soares
Performance técnica e som: David Leitão
Produção: Cotão – Associação Cultural
Apoio: República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direcção-Geral das Artes
Centro Cultural do Carro (Galeria de Arte Ambulante), de Tiago Gandra & Daniel Vasconcelos Melim, no Festival Paragem - Práticas Artísticas Contemporâneas em Época Balnear 2021, no Anfiteatro da Nossa Senhora da Encarnação (Praia do Carvoeiro, PT). Obras dos artistas convidados: Andrea Brandão, Ana Teresa Vicente, Tiago Fróis, Hugo Canoilas, João Ferro Martins, Sara & André, Isabel Simões, Ana Rita António, Francisco Vidal, João Bento, Joana Escoval, Tiago Baptista, Fernando Ribeiro, Patrícia Almeida.
Apoio à dramaturgia: Andresa Soares
Performance técnica e som: David Leitão
Produção: Cotão – Associação Cultural
Apoio: República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direcção-Geral das Artes